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2024-09-11 22:44:30


The series "Famagusta", which is scheduled to be shown on Netflix on September 20, has sparked widespread anger and controversy in Turkey, as the authorities considered that it seeks to distort historical facts. 

Famagusta is a coastal city located on the island of Cyprus, and the series deals with a story inspired by the events of the Turkish invasion of the city in 1974. 

The story is about a family consisting of a young couple and their three-month-old child during the Turkish invasion. 

The family is torn apart in the chaos when the couple loses their infant son, and they are forced to flee their home, to remain forever haunted by the mystery of the fate of their child. 

Decades later, a 50-year-old man living in London finds himself on a journey back to Cyprus, without realizing his connection to the island's turbulent past, where his return, prompted by a documentary project, opens new chapters of events that will change everyone's lives. 

 After the announcement of the series being shown on the global platform "Netflix", the leader of the Turkish Cypriots, Ersin Tatar, expressed his anger at the series, considering that it distorts historical facts and presents a false vision of events. Tatar stated that "this operation was a peace operation that saved the Turkish Cypriots from genocide." 

In the same context, the Turkish Vice President, Cevdet Yilmaz, expressed his dissatisfaction via the X platform (formerly Twitter), saying: "Digital platforms should not be used as tools for Greek Cypriot propaganda." 

The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs also denounced the series, and the Supreme Council of Audiovisual Media in Turkey issued a statement banning the series from being shown in the country on the pretext that it distorts the reputation of Turkey and its army.