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2024-09-14 13:10:18

Strike by drivers of Al-Jazeera and Kobani trucks due to diesel.

The drivers of the voxes operating on the lines of the cities of Al-Jazeera and Kobani went on strike on Saturday in the industrial garage east of Qamishli, in protest against the reduction of their diesel allocations and the imposition of new measures on traffic. 

The movement of voxes between Qamishli and Derik stopped, passing through Jal Agha, Terbi Spi, Rmelan, and even Semalka and Kobani. 

Radio Arta quoted one of the drivers of the Qamishli-Semalka line, Nouri Muhammad Nour, as saying that the Fuel Committee reduced their daily allocations from 30 liters to 22 liters. 

He added that the committee imposed a new condition requiring that the number of passengers be complete in order for drivers to be able to obtain their daily allocations from the gas station. 

The allocations for the Qamishli-Terbi Spiye line were also reduced from 11 liters to 8 liters, and the allocations for the Qamishli-Derik line from 30 liters to 25 liters, with the condition that the number of passengers be complete on each trip. 

 As a result of the strike, passengers in these cities were forced to use private taxis to get around.